It's been a few years since I've done much on this website,
but I hope to get things running again. Among the first things is to overhaul the layout and try and find or create something
more dynamic to better express my personality on here. At any rate, I'm back, and I'm looking to be more active on this website
to provide greater information about mysef and my intersts. And yep, for employers, I will be updating my resume and personal
portfolio. Take care all, and enjoy!
About Me
My name is John and I have been an alimni of Washington State
University (WSU) since 2003. I recieved a BA in Liberal Arts, Humanities with emphasis on Music and English.
I had been working on a Masters in Teaching with an English endorsement through WSU Tri-Cities.
However, I am looking to transition out of a career in education and would like to try one in business, or maybe some
type of multimedia related career.
For now, I have been substite teaching since spring of
2004 in the Prosser School District, and then started in the fall substituting at Sunnyside School District.
Yes, I'm Still Catholic
When I last posted on here, back in 2005, I had been going through RCIA. I
will admit that I do not go to Mass as often as I used to when I started, and I could do with going to Confession again soon.
However, I still consider myself Catholic and look to maybe some day revitalize my fervor for the Church. But for now,
looking for a job and taking care of more secular matters seems to be important to attend to so I can free up time for more
spiritual matters in life.
Pax Tecum,
What's New?
Finally updated the front page, and a few others. Am hoping
to overhaul the look of the site soon.
If you wish, you can e-mail me at and tell me what you think or what would be cool to have on this site.
'One bread, One Body'
Music by John B. Foley, 1978; harm. by Alan Smith, 1988
Arr. by John A. Crawford
All Things
Written in Greek
au)toi\ ga\r oi)/date pw=j
dei= mimei=sqai h(ma=j, o(/ti ou)k h)takth/samen e)n u(mi=n ou)de\ dwrea\n a)/rton e)fa/gomen para/ tinoj, a)ll' e)n ko/pw|
kai\ mo/xqw| nukto\j kai\ h(me/raj e)rgazo/menoi pro\j to\ mh\ e)pibarh=sai/ tina u(mw=n: ou)x o(/ti ou)k e)/xomen e)cousi/an,
a)ll' i(/na e(autou\j tu/pon dw=men u(mi=n ei)j to\ mimei=sqai h(ma=j. kai\ ga\r
o(/te h)=men pro\j u(ma=j, tou=to parhgge/llomen u(mi=n, o(/ti ei)/ tij ou) qe/lei e)rga/zesqai mhde\ e)sqie/tw. a)kou/omen ga/r tinaj peripatou=ntaj e)n u(mi=n a)ta/ktwj, mhde\n e)rgazome/nouj a)lla\ periergazome/nouj:
toi=j de\ toiou/toij paragge/llomen kai\ parakalou=men e)n kuri/w| )Ihsou= Xristw=| i(/na meta\ h(suxi/aj e)rgazo/menoi to\n
e(autw=n a)/rton e)sqi/wsin.
For all of you yourselves know how it is
binding to be imitating us, we have not been disorderly among you all, nor as a gift did we eat bread from anyone, but in
suffering toil and hardship by night and by day working so as to not be a burden upon anyone of you; not that we do not have
authority, but so that we might give ourselves as a figure for all of you to imitate us.
For even when we were with you all, this we had given by word and general order to you all, that if anyone does not
want to work, neither let him eat. For we hear of some walking among you all
disorderly and not in battle-order, not at all working but wasting one's labor; now to these we were giving by word and general
order and calling in the Lord Jesus Christ, so that working with quietness they may eat their own bread.
II Thessalonians 3:7-12
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Speak Latin, Like the Romans
interrogaverunt autem illum dicentes
praeceptor quando haec erunt et quod signum cum fieri incipient qui dixit videte ne seducamini multi enim venient in nomine
meo dicentes quia ego sum et tempus adpropinquavit nolite ergo ire post illos cum
autem audieritis proelia et seditiones nolite terreri oportet primum haec fieri sed non statim finis--Lukas XXI, VII-IX
They asked him concerning this [the
destruction of the temple], saying, “Teacher, at what time will this be and what proof whenever this is done and will
take place?” Thus he said, “See to not be carried away, for many
will come in my name saying, ‘I am he’ and ‘the time draw nigh.’ Do not follow after them! On the contrary, whenever you hear of a battle and dissension, be not afraid; it is necessary that first
these things happen, but it will not immediately be the end.”--Luke